Prepare the box of tissues
29 February 2024
What would you do if your doctor anounces that you have only 6 months left to live?

Would you quit your job? Travel? Love someone for the fist and maybe the last time? All of the above?

Almost from the start Yeon Jae is harrased by her boss and colleagues. She endoures it all because she loves her job. After receiving life changing news she quits her job and takes a vacation and travels to Japan.

Ji Wook, like most heirs, is born not only with a silver spoon in his mouth, but has a deep dislike of the life he is force to live and resents his father. Everything has been deided for him... even the woman he should marry.

On a trip to Japan he meets this quicky young woman and for the first time he actually feels alive.

Will fate pull them in each others path again?
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