Review of Sardines

Inside No. 9: Sardines (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
Dark Comedy 101
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Starting the series strong with punchy dialogue and masterful exposition. The use of symbolism is weaved throughout in clever and intreresting ways. It demonstrates Steve and Reece "earning" their dark comedy. They are careful and respectful of not just shocking the audience for the sake of shocking them, but they sow seeds throughout to focus on creating a tone that would allow for the audience to be eased into the moment of darkness. This is what makes a great dark comedy.

Tone is used so well. Dialogue is very purposeful. I love the Sardines song so much. It's so sinister and using it to inform the episode, whether this came first or was discovered later, is just perfect. The pace keeps us engaged; the introductions of new characters shift tone. Perhaps one of my favourite moments was Andrew entering the room. He is a monster, but his introduction comes across as comical at first. His militaristic attitude towards a silly game is funny. We are made to laugh at the monster.

Likewise, we are made to laugh at the character of Stinky John as he is a silly slapstick character, but explaining he is the way he is as a direct result of his trauma and abuse from Andrew almost makes us feel guilty for laughing in the first place. I think that's what I adore most about the script and what I appreciate about dark comedy in general. It makes you laugh, feel bad about what you're laughing about, and then think about it. Absolutely brilliant piece of writing. A dark comedy 101 script.
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