Inside No. 9: The Trial of Elizabeth Gadge (2015)
Season 2, Episode 3
Burn the witch!
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know how passionate they were about writing a period piece, and you can tell by how well the script is written. I'm not that big a fan of period pieces, but this one did a good job. It uses the odd language and phrases they would use and plays around to make them comical. The absurdity is always played up at any opportunity, it has elements of Monty Python, but has their own brand of unique atmosphere and pacing. The pace is well-balanced, with monologues, multiple characters having a quick back and forth and rising uneasiness or laughter among the mob. It's exploration of mob culture can sometimes be related to modern day. Pretty sad.

Ultimately, I think the script is an excellent examples of well-written dialogue, very poetic, as it takes from the language of the time. Lots of research and existing passion must have been involved in this episode to get things as accurate as they should be. Some juxtaposition with modern elements is essential to the comedy, but also simply taking things that would be considered utterly ridiculous and archaic now lends itself to comedy.

This is the first of the episodes to do a double twist. We as the audience believe we know what the outcome will be, no matter what, the witch is going to get burned. It is sewn throughout that she is innocent, as the accusers all have something personal to gain from her death. When it is revealed, Clarke betrays his colleague, that is seen as the big twist. However, the woman actually turning out to be a witch is a fun little counter twist to quickly end the episode, even if a bit predictable. Period pieces and historical fiction isn't really my cup of tea so I found it difficult to get fully invested. But this is a enjoyable and beautifully written episode. Special mention to David Warner as Pike, he absolutely killed the role.
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