Inside No. 9: Nana's Party (2015)
Season 2, Episode 5
Not invested
7 March 2024
Nana's Party was never really one of my favourites. I had no particular interest in any of the characters, Pat and Maggie did nudge me with brilliant bits, but really there was a failure to care about them and a slumping into cliches. The world felt a bit empty and like characters weren't being given proper time to fully develop. The ending is one of the worst ones. I never cared about their relationship, so it had no impact on me. The penultimate scene of chaos was the best bit.

It is unfortunately one of the more forgettable ones for me. Carol's character being lewd and crude, especially with their fourteen-year-old daughter was just horrible to watch. I did enjoy Maggie's fascination with the tablet though.
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