A different movie for some new kids that we learned to love as we grew older!
9 March 2024
When prequel trilogy was announced, it's safe to assume that a lot of fans expected something more akin to what they had with the first trilogy. Instead, they got this movie. It was radically different. Lucas finally had enough budget and means to make a movie exactly how he wanted to make it and the result was innitaly not met with praise. A huge reliance on CGI (although the movie also used more practical effects than the whole original trilogy) and the overall feeling of the movie were sticking out like a sore thumb. The movie felt light years away from a Flash Gordon inspired story everybody loved to death by then, and with good reason, because, simply said, this was made for some new kids. Fans were not happy, but, as years passed and Disney trilogy came out, suddenly the prequel trilogy saw a giant surge in popularity and the fans quickly realized that, even though the movie was different from the original trilogy, it was still Star Wars, made by a man that gifted us with the story in the first place. Again, it's hard to be objective and if you want to criticize the movie, you'll find what to criticize. However, this movie gave us the legendary Duel of Fates, Darth Maul with his double-bladed lightsaber and a great performance by Liam Neeson. It gave us pod racing and Ewan McGregor's first appearance as Obi-Wan Kenobi and it kicked off the prequel trilogy that gave us a lot of great moments of fun and is now firmly a part of popular culture, as same as the first trilogy. Is it perfect? Again, as every Star Wars movie? No. Is it perfect if you are a subjective Star Wars fan? Absolutely! 10/10!
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