Invincible: It's Not That Simple (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
Good, But...
21 March 2024
This is a pretty decent episode and the lesser of the two new episodes of this second part of season 2. But why does the stuff with Mark and Amber feel like should've been in episode 4 or 5? Especially when there are only 2 episodes left and God knows how long we have to wait for the next seasons.

Am I wrong for thinking it's weird that 80% of the episode feels like something that would've been in the middle of the season of any other show, and the important scenes of the main story feel like post-credit scenes. Not just this episode, but a lot of episodes this season.

Don't get me wrong, I like seeing Mark finally moving on from Amber, they're setting that up and I'm glad. And they're doing a good job of showing they're both being adult about it, especially funny with Amber with all the nonsense she pulled last season. But it feels like a lot of the runtime is dedicated to this storyline, and I'm sure most people aren't gonna vibe with that much. They do a good job of editing the scenes together to make it more engaging, but I think they should've condensed it a little.

It threw off the pacing of the story. Not asking for more action, we already got a lot of brutal action in these past two episodes. I'm just asking for the plot to move a little bit more than this.

The pacing of the storytelling of this show is really weird. They introduce so many new villains and characters in one episode and kill them in the next or forget about them and then show them again 3 episodes later that makes it overwhelming with how many plotlines are happening at the same time.

I appreciate how this show handles its characters though. Like they introduce a group of goofy characters you think are gonna be a walk in the park for the Guardians of the Globe, and next thing you know they absolutely annihilate the Guardians and they may even die in the process themselves. So I like the unpredictability of this show and how it handles its bad guys. They're not your typical villain of the week. You don't know if this villain is gonna instantly die, or if he is gonna kill one of the main characters and become a regular villain, or maybe kill someone and die himself too.

The problem I have is just how many characters and storylines are set up in every episode. It's all too overwhelming. And with how important this show makes each and every character feel, even the characters you thought were one-offs and nothing, and they dedicate a good amount of time to every one of them, it makes you wonder why this show isn't 1-hour per episode if there are so many characters and so much story to tell. And why the hell do these seasons only have 8 episodes?

Like I said, I appreciate the fact that this show makes even the minor characters feel important and has character arcs and storylines for them, this show is unique in that way, and also shows how brutal and savage this world is that even the villains of the week can do real damage to our "protagonists". But at the same time, it's just too much. Too many characters are introduced and too many storylines are moving at the same time.

So, all in all, I think I repeated myself a lot here, so I won't say more, except that it's a decent episode that shouldn't've been put as the second to penultimate episode. With this pacing, I'm not sure if they can wrap up any storyline before season 8 or something.
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