One of my all time favourite documentaries
22 March 2024
The great thing about documentaries is that they teach you things in an enjoyable and entertaining way.

I have almost zero interest in football. I was over 50 before I even went to a football match, and then it was only because the tickets were free and I wanted to support women footballers.

Yet, this documentary, which I caught on broadcast TV in 2002 (over 20 years ago), is one of the documentaries that I have enjoyed most.

What I do know a bit about is North Korea, having spent some time with specialists discussing it. So I do understand that this guy SOMEHOW got unprecedented access to North Korea to document an absolutely life affirming event.

I won't talk too much about the content which others have done. What I will tell you is how it made me feel. I felt great that sport (which, like football, I have limited interest in) is something that can unite us and bring us together. That we can, despite all our political divisions, find something in common. That Brits root for the underdog. That you can see a different perspective on religion and many things we take for granted in our society. And that, after all these years, I still always have something to talk about with any football fanatic who otherwise I might struggle to connect with.

I can't rate this highly enough. 99/10.
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