Into the Deep (2022)
What in the waste of time?
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What in the waste of time was this? This movie was so pointless.

What annoyed me most, is as he's choking Lexi, Jess just stands there and screams "No, no, please don't do this".... AS SHE'S HOLDING A FLARE GUN. I mean do something. Shoot, hit him like you did Lexi. Something. The second most annoying this was how Jess kept jumping and acting suspicious every time Lexi came in the room. Idk if that was the script, the directing, or terrible acting but it was overdone. Like please. *Eye roll*

Then she goes back to the boat yelling Lexi's name AFTER THE BOAT BLOWS UP? What? Then Lexi comes out of nowhere and they ride off as if they didn't just experience a traumatic event.

I think this was done purposely. Just to piss us off. Lol! Job well done crew.

Another viewer commented on the nudity and said how that's signs of a bad movie. I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the scene rolling my eyes.

While this movie played, I was on YouTube and then came to IMDb to make sure I wasn't tripping. 50+ min in waiting for something to happen and nothing interesting did. I was so bored counting down when it would be over, which was the most satisfying part of the entire movie.

Well they made their money so who am I? I watched but will not be watching again. Watch at your own risk, but I wouldn't even recommend this as background noise.
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