Pepto Bismal X Primal Thanos VS. Donkey Kong with a chain X Sub-Zero
27 March 2024
Wow, just wow. Now the thing is, the reason I am saying wow, is for a few big reasons that can probably relate to a lot of regular humans like me because I am most definitely human and not Godzilla trying to promote his own film. The reasons being; CGI, Big monster go rahh, and epic battle scenes. Anything else is boring and I frankly could care less about in this film because it affects nothing and all I care about are the things that THE FILM IS ACTUALLY ABOUT (humans).

First, I wanna start off by saying that comparing this film's CGI to Godzilla Minus One (greatest Godzilla film that actually made me care about humans), budget wise, is like an insult. GMO had a budget near abouuuut 20 million or so, while GXK had 10x the budget. GMO managed to achieve winning an Oscar with 100x less visual art employees and having the best and probably the most realistic large scale CGI I've seen ever. BUT, the CGI even with such a smaller film beating it, is still excellent as always and doesn't look like some PS5 game that was reprogrammed to run on a Nintendo Switch, unlike other films. It has definitely been one of the consecutive aspects of the MonsterVerse.

Monsters; I'm a sucker for Godzilla, not so much Kong, but this version of him definitely catches my eye. Godzilla and Shimo were what really brought this film together, and the funny thing is, before I saw Godzilla with pink atomic breath, it was my most disliked color, but on him, it's my preferred look for him. I also already loved cold related things so a big beast like Shimo definitely made me see this film.

Battle Scenes. Now I know, I know, not all Godzilla films can entirely be epic fight scenes, I'M JUST SAYING, I wish they were longer. They are definitely what everyone, including me, came to see, and I am beyond glad with the outcome of the film, that I totally didn't see coming (that's sarcasm), and I actually would love to see more of the franchise, whatever it may be. Also to anyone who disliked the movement speed of Godzilla, watch literally any dated Godzilla film.

In summary, I love Godzilla, Dune Part Two and GMO still beat it by an inconceivable number, but if you like big monsters or just Godzilla in General, watch this, maybe watch it again, or just watch the fight scene clips.
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