Not Bad and Rushed as I Anticipated, but Not "Masterpiece" Great Either
31 March 2024
This finale was surprisingly good and was a nice although a bit rushed and "too easy" conclusion for Rick and Michonne's mini-series.

I am satisfied with how this finale wrapped things up, even though there were parts that didn't really sit well with me.

First the goods: We finally get the Echelon Briefing after all the teasing throughout the season, and I gotta say, I'm not disappointed with the briefing at all. I think they gave a logical and reasonable motive to Beale. Someone said he's just the villain for the sake of being the villain, but I don't think his reasons are any less complicated and nuanced than other famous villains of TWD's peak. Sure, they didn't really dive into his character, like at all, till this episode. But for me at least, I think don't he's that cartoonishly evil of a villain.

The ending is really emotional and for a second I thought they didn't actually hire the actress for some reason and it would've been disastrous, but thankfully they brought her back.

Overall it's an enjoyable finale that I can't really be mad at that much as it was a somewhat satisfying conclusion to the series. I can't really think of other positives since I just finished the episode. But I liked the finale.

Now to the parts I didn't really find to be that well done: It is after all rushed a bit since they need to establish Beale, give us the Briefing, and end the story in the same episode. Nevertheless, it is rushed, but it's not D+ MCU finale rushed!

I thought the fight scenes were well done but unremarkable, and they ended way too soon. Though the elevator one was pretty good, especially the ending. And I know these two are just killing machines at this point, but I think everything went way too easy for them in this episode.

The way they defeat CRM is way too easy and it's weird how there are zero guards or troopers in that tent. You'd think at least one would be standing outside of the tent maybe? The way they write these scenes is to just end the story as soon as possible. They threw the obstacles in the scenes before so they wouldn't have to give logical reasons as to why such an important tent would be so empty.

They didn't really explain how the Civic Republic gained the knowledge of what CRM was doing. I guess they found documents and stuff somewhere else, but felt way too quick like they fast-forwarded so we could move on from the CRM storyline quickly.

There are a couple of laughably cringey lines about love in here that I don't know how they wrote them with a straight face. I always hate this "love is good and saves us all" and all that stuff in the finale of movies and shows. Especially when they're written this way. So I couldn't help to laugh at the dialogue between Thorne and Michonne.

It's way too melodramatic and soap opera-y. They did a good job with the romance in episode 4, but after that, all the romance feels way too melodramatic and cringey.

Overall, it's a pretty good finale but a perfect one. It's not too rushed or bad-written to make you mad, it's just a fine ending that's on par with the rest of the show.
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