I was deeply offended by the superior low quality of this utter trash.
7 April 2024
I was unfortunate enough to see some parts of this truly diabolical show recently.

The first was when they set up Lorraine Kelly whom I'm sure is the twin sister of Susan Boyle, as it's too uncanny to be otherwise.

I felt insulted that the producers and presenters would even consider that the average viewer would find this either remotely amusing or entertaining. Even when they pan to the audience most look very unimpressed.

My second viewing was on 6th April when I sat in my chair literally cringing at the section where Holden and Cowel sat there like two characters from a horror movie who have had their faces melted, giggling at antics which were simpy totally not funny.

The awful Witche's cackle of Holden was too much to bear. Watching Mcfartlan eat that Banana was absolutely ridiculous, and with the new format of the two little old guys being controlled remotely by anyone from ITV who doesn't already get enough airtime is abhorrent. Ant and Dec are way too old now to be acting like little kids, it's embarrassing.

Please, whoever writes and producers this total and utter trash, sit back and watch a whole episode and hang your heads in shame. How can ANYONE think that this is good TV, HOW???

Where has even the slightest bit of intelligence gone from British TV now? It's aimed at people with an IQ of an amoeba.

Noel's House party was a masterclass in Saturday night TV, as was the old Generation Game etc.

Also the constant adverts every 6 to 7 minutes when the volume is turned up makes this programmes even more unbearable.

Who do advertisers target, as I can honestly say I have never purchased anything from an advert.

Please get this highly offensive to my intelligence, low quality, pointless and pathetic content gone.

The presenters speak to the viewer like we're toddlers. Don't get me started on that Masked Singer/Dancer, what will be next, the Masked Master-Baker, that should make the fake laughter even more fakely hysterical than it already is from McCall and all the other wasters. If the make presenter of that programme were a piece of chocolate he would eat himself with his affected mouth movements and overly animated gestures. Of course he's famous for his overly animated gestures is Joel but that's another story.

Why do the same people turn up year after year after year. Of course unless you have a famous parent like Walsh or Kemp normal people don't stand a chance.

The whole lot just make me physically nauseous.
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