How is this criminal not in prison?
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have never written a review like I am about to write.

This very disturbing, very embarrassing "documentary" is all over the place. Who "directed" this mess and what were they on?

It made my head spin and my skin crawl trying to figure out how this was even allowed to be aired and who fronted the money for it? This was clearly an outcast stalker's revenge out to embarrass Tinsley and her friends. How is no one else creeped out by this whole thing being made?

No one can see that he was deeply obsessed (and stalked) Tinsley and her friends years ago - to the point of detailing every single thing about them in an online blog? Then he went as far as trying to infiltrate her friend group? Park Avenue Peerage - they all laughed off as a rag mag put out by Tinsley herself. No one can see what it truly was? It was the ramblings of an obsessed stalker. They are so naive that they kept referring to it as "cute". Cute that this boy wanted to be close. Wake up... It wasn't just that it highlighted Tinsley often. He was obsessed with Tinsley. He was one person doing this writing. It wasn't a collaboration of multiple people. Tell me how this is any different than what other stalkers do. I'll wait.

Did everyone completely miss that he actually admitted to STEALING so much money from his parents that his parents had to file bankruptcy. Bankruptcy. Think about that. He stole so much from his parents that he put his parents through financial devastation. And this is just okay?

You can tell he is truly a sociopath because he had zero empathy or remorse for any of it. Every penny he made from this documentary I hope went right to his parents and he didn't keep a penny.

Who does this to their parents- drain every penny they have worked their whole lives for just to give the money to "some random guy" named Tommy that he was obsessed with? Who didn't even give him the time of day back? No one stopped him?

He admitted to buying massive amounts of drugs/gifts totaling over $300,000+++ heavy, heavy drug use, continuing to being a sex worker, catfishing people, stealing and stalking - how are they not in prison?

This is fraud and he is dangerous.

Don't give me some sob story that he is self medicating because of his mental illness.

No - this is criminal. Period.

So this is "just okay? No legal consequences for any of it?

No one sees anything wrong with this? No one sees how criminally insane this whole thing is?

This person had it in his head that he deserved to be rubbing elbows with the young girl elite socialites of New York - why exactly?

All of these girls came from very prominent families, very prominent old money. He literally stalked from afar, started a creepy blog detailing every move these girls made and was determined to infiltrate to get close to Tinsley - the very girl he was stalking?

How has he continued to get away with this?

This isn't scary to anyone? If he could do what he did to his parents - what else is he capable of?

"Already wrote out his wedding announcement many times in his head"? "Son of no one"? What?? That is a slap in the face to his parents - who I'm sure worked very very hard for the money he stole from them.

It was like watching a bi-polar narcissist stalker go through a severe manic episode and then immediately switch to the deep depressive stage without warning. Blaming everyone else for their problems and the life they chose. Over and over and over. Disjointed. Vulgar. Just a total waste of 2 hours viewers will never get back.

Was this a concoction to seek revenge on those he was obsessed with who "mistreated" him in his mind when he was a teenager?

A "remember me"?? (Yet none of them do.) An outcast's payback to the "in crowd" - that was never even his crowd?

Tinsley was very nice and very very naive to want to meet up with him. She extended a beautiful invitation for charity for the animals and not only did he not have the nerve to walk in, he made it all about him and lashed out against Tinsley in that voicemail in a way that is very concerning.

What they did to Tinsley in this "documentary" was appalling. This should have never been set to air. Tinsley tried to reach out to him and he basically slapped her when she has done absolutely nothing wrong. He one minute talks over her and says "let me know how I can help with your event" then says "why am I the one to always support others." What?!?!? This is much more sinister than being passive aggressive.

Tinsley cannot win with this one and someone needs to distance her from him. This is not friendship. This is obsession.

Did you hear the voicemail at the end telling her off? That was envy and jealousy disguised as "poor me" "I have nothing in common with those people". "I'm a sex worker". As if it was Tinsley's fault. Notice how we didn't see Tinsley's reaction to the voice mail. Makes you wonder why she distanced herself from him when they were younger.

HE chose to be a sex worker. He has no one else to blame and yet he was gas lighting Tinsley. He could have taken that 300,000 he stole from his parents and gotten his masters degree, a house and became something in life. He decided to blow it on blow and blowing.

Tinsley has a heart of gold. You can clearly tell she was completely duped into doing this whole interview. The entire time Tinsley looked confused as to why she was even there.

She agreed for them to interview her, she sincerely reached out and invited this person to her event and this person not only set out to completely embarrass Tinsley - they were rude and nasty to Tinsley in the process.

There was no ending. It was like they filmed this rant and all of a sudden ran out of money so they couldn't finish it.

This should be pulled and Tinsley deserves a massive apology for the embarrassment. Tinsley is way too nice to stick up for herself with this. She needs someone to step in and do it for her.
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