FBI: Unforeseen (2024)
Season 6, Episode 6
That's it, I'm done!
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This show has been getting progressively worse over the weeks but this one has just done me!

I won't be watching it anymore as it has literally turned in to most ludicrous pile of poo on the telly!

"I'm thinking of going for IVF!" Didn't the female actors not think to say "Hang on a minute we could just try a sperm bank first!' Then BAM mate who we have never seen or heard of suddenly turns up then dies! Leaving a little orphan child! Mate! How convenient! Instant mum and saved the cost of the 'IVF'!

I stopped watching FBI Most Wanted because the replacement to Jessie was an over confident big head, this is has now joined that list!

Chicago PD all the way for me.
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