Hijack: Brace Brace Brace (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
complete and utter rubbish
30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Strange to see George Kay, the writer of the superb French show Lupin, create this utter tripe - he should probably stick to adaptations. Idris Elba makes it somehow watchable even though his character is massively underdeveloped. Unfortunately the premise is so dumb that it's hard to believe anything that's going on - the show sets up situations that make little sense (i.e. Why would a hijacker leave a bullet in the airplane loo? Why do the hijackers use blanks in their guns? Why would the Home Secretary allow two organised crime leaders out of prison? Why would he accept brown envelope from a stranger in the street? Why would the trader be on the plane? Who is the city gentleman who speaks to the journalist? Why doesn't the co-pilot land the plane? Etc..), and nothing is resolved at all at the end - does Sam accept that his marriage is over? Does the bearded crime leader get away? Does their scheme to short the airline stock and get rich work? Don't bother watching this complete and utter rubbish. Watch Lupin instead - it's beautifully and intricately plotted and really well-written.
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