Review of Hellboy

Hellboy (2019)
A Hellish Disappointment in Every Sense
1 May 2024
If you were expecting a rollicking good time filled with actions, scares and the devilishly dark humor that made its comic book roots so enthralling, prepare to have your hopes crushed like a demon's skull under Hellboy's mighty fist.

From the moment this cinematic endeavor ignites, it becomes painfully evident that the only flames that this flick will be fanning are those of disappointment. It's like the filmmakers took a blender, tossed in every ingredient from the "cool stuff" recipe book, and pressed "blend" without a hint of finesse or thought.

First and foremost, where did the humor vanish? Hellboy, both in the comics and the previous film adaptations, has been an absolute quip factory. In this travesty, however, it's like his wit was sucked out by a particularly thirsty vampire. The dialogue, in its supposed attempts at humor, lands with all the grace of a brick tossed into the fiery pits of hell. Dry and devoid of the charm that should be Hellboy's signature.

And don't even get me started on the "creativity". Or rather, the lack thereof. This film is a hodgepodge of every dark fantasy trope you can think of, thrown together in a blender (again with the blender, I know, but it's a fitting metaphor for this cinematic atrocity). The result is a concoction that's more confusing than a Rubik's Cube in a house of mirrors. The filmmakers seem to have mistaken stuffing the film with mythical creatures and occult mumbo-jumbo for creating an engaging narrative.

Now, let's talk about that "final battle" debacle. Ah, the anticipation, the tingling excitement as we wait for the climactic showdown that should send shivers down our spines. But wait, what's that? Hellboy, our crimson hero, just... switches sides? He becomes a good boy because someone whispered "sit" in his pointy ear? No epic showdown, no cataclysmic clash of forces, just a whimpering surrender to the power of persuasion. It's like watching a dragon lay down and beg for belly rubs instead of breathing fire.

This film truly feels like a journey into the depths of narrative absurdity. It's as if the writers were given a dare to create the most nonsensical plot possible, and they took it to heart with zest. Pointless, convoluted, and utterly unsatisfying, Hellboy leaves you questioning the very purpose of its existence. Oh wait, I know! It's a case study in how not to adapt a beloved character for the big screen. Instead of being a roaring inferno of entertainment, it's a smoldering heap of disappointment. It's enough to make even the toughest demon shed a tear, though they'd probably do it with more style.
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