Review of Tarot

Tarot (I) (2024)
So bad its good, Nah just kidding
3 May 2024
TAROT the movie 2024, Hello peoples of he page. Yes it has been a long time hasn't it?

So, suffer in your jocks because the Lush is back and this time its personal.

Anyway peeps, today Lush popped her little black tooshy into Parramatta to see a film called Tarot, now a quick disclaimer here, Lush IS a Tarot Card reader and has been for 40+ years. I've made a living from it when short of resources and needing cash.

The internet movie date base lists Tarot as a Horror Comedy yes it has a few giggles and yes there are scary bits so I guess it meets the brief. I really to have the pants scared off me but, sadly that never happened. I did leave the cinema pants intact.

If you think the plot is familiar well der! Who amongst use has not had a teenage seance and regretted it when things go bang in the roof. If this movie a group of friends recklessly violates the sacred rule of Tarot readings - never use someone else's deck. I mean seriously. Don't touch my deck. Using one with out permission is not only rude but downright dangerous in the wrong hands. I can only hope this flm stops people asking me to read for them.

The dialogue is bad but the acting is quite good., however there are so many cliches I was doing call backs at the screen, At some point I would like to do this film as a Screamqueen production. Its so easy to fit Lush humour into the prewritten corniness and make something hilarious!

But basically you want the plot don't you? Well this is a silly film with silly cliched characters, you the "College student who rent a mansion, drink excessively, run out of booze and in a search to steal more booze, break into the room that says "Do Not Enter" find old Tarot Cards, do a few readings and ....die horribly" (as they should) in the manner of their readings. Think Evil Dead but with a slight Blair witch/Hellraiser feel. There are a few scares and the inevitable twists. Everything is so predictable you don't even need the cards! They really tried to rush through the deaths and concentrate on dialogue... that was a bad decision.

I have seen worse things come out off Screen Gem but, No I'm kidding, this is a pretty bad way to spend 8 million dollars. As a reader myself, I HATE that astrology and Tarot are considered the same thing Its a pet peeve of mine But I digress, Set in a world where every door creaks and there isn't a single well-lit location, This is s little more than a clearinghouse of horror clichés.

This is just another example of a studio tossing money at a bad idea knowing it'll still make some profit. I'd like to say don't waste your time, but despite myself I kinda like this movie.
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