Review of Labyrinth

Labyrinth (1986)
"I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave."
3 May 2024
I truly have no concept of how Sarah didn't accept those terms because if David Bowie was yapping that off to me I know for a fact O would've stopped caring about this goofy little baby and done what Jareth was asking. I really love this movie and I cannot believe Jim Henson was such a master at creating such rich fantasy filled worlds with amazing character design and of course some fantastic puppetry work.. and obviously Labyrinth is no different. This movie feels on the same wavelength as another Henson movie, "The Dark Crystal", just due to how well done all of its different puppets and character designs are, and the sheer fact that they're so well made that it teeters on some of the most horrifying things my eyes have ever seen.

This is just such a spectacle to be entirely honest and there's really not a single second of it that I was not inherently in love with. Of course every scene featuring Bowie's iconic Jareth the Goblin King was stellar, and I have to say the fashion this man was pulling off was wildly impressive but that goes for every outfit he wore in his entire lifetime.. plus he has a super silly haircut and makeup look going on but I loved it. Although that's not to say Jareth is the only really well done character here because I have to say every character is written and designed in such a perfect way - my favorite, other than Jareth of course, has to be the incredibly goofy looking goblin known as Hoggle who I couldn't help but admire how dumb he looked and the way he acted. I also have to mention the big beast Ludo who is adorable in every regard, and the tiny fox man Sir Didymus who was really well designed and hilariously rode a dog for the majority of his screen time. Although; for some reason the actual main character of this movie, Sarah played by Jennifer Connelly was by far the most uninteresting out of everyone, but I suppose that does make a bit of sense when you take a boring teenage girl and put her into one of the most vast fantasy worlds I've ever seen in a ninety minute runtime, so I can't complain too much even though I didn't particularly love how the movie focused on her.

I really need to talk about the puppets here for a second because I cannot understate how impeccable they all are, which is standard for a Henson production but Jesus these are all so well done. From the goblins who all look expertly nasty and weird, to the aforementioned Sir Didymus who is the silliest little fox guy I've ever seen, to the best character in the entire movie the little worm dude with his wacky ass haircut, and the most terrifying of all the Fire Gang who might just be the scariest things I've ever seen on screen! I've never felt so unbelievably uncomfortable to watch puppets move and talk but for some reason everything they did made me feel queasy and I hated every single second of it, and just the sheer fact that their whole thing is being able to take off their heads and they relentlessly taunt Sarah and try to take off her head is genuinely horrifying and I couldn't wait for them to leave my television screen. At the very least they're super well designed and the puppetry is amazing but despite being able to admire the amount of talent there I still can't bring myself to like it.

Another impeccable piece of this film is just the overall set design, which I have definitely come to expect when I watch something done by Henson due to how great "The Dark Crystal" looked, but this movie really is on another level in my opinion. The labyrinth itself is designed in such an intricately interesting way that I could genuinely spend hours just talking about all the different parts of it that are scattered about, from the way it tries to trick those who are going through, to all the different people/talking objects you are sure to encounter going through it, plus all the little traps that are constantly hidden throughout... it's just such a wonderful piece of set design that is so unique and satisfying to learn more about - and don't even get me started on the magnificence that is Jareth's castle because that place looks exquisite and every scene that takes place within is awesome.

Of course you cannot talk about a musical starring the iconic musical artist David Bowie without talking about the amazing music from him in the film. Every single song that Bowie sings here is great, because obviously this man has some insane musical talent but to see it put to a movie like this is so raw and beautiful. Most notably the song 'Magic Dance' which is probably the most famous out of the entire film and for very good reason as every minute part of it is inherently iconic from being so well written, well sung, well choreographed, and of course really fits the vibe of the film so well. However: that's not to say every other piece of music in here isn't just as good as that one, as they pretty much all are. Every song for this film was done by Trevor Jones, but just about half of them were also done by Bowie and they're all equally as magical and more than worth listening to this soundtrack on its lonesome for.

Labyrinth is such a uniquely special time that I find it very hard to believe anyone could actually dislike in any way. In my honest opinion it's pretty much perfect in every way and there isn't anything done here that I didn't think worked exactly as it was supposed to. If you like any other works done by the immensely talented late Jim Henson than you're sure to like this one as well as it has all the charm and talent present in his other film if not even more than his other films. Combined with a superb performance from one of the greatest rock stars of all time who is the antagonist but just way too charming to not like him, and some truly great puppetry paired with extraordinary costume and set design, this is way more than worth checking out for yourself if you haven't had the chance already. It's just such a whimsical and fun time that is really engaging from start to finish and filled with a whole ton of stuff to absolutely love, and I highly recommend watching it for yourself. David Bowie is a surprisingly good actor and I wish he starred in more films because I desire all the media I can acquire of this man. Peak type.
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