I love John Green
4 May 2024
Honestly I don't actually know how to feel about this film, on one hand I definitely don't believe that this is something that was meant to be targeted towards me as my girlfriend seemed to enjoy it far more than I did, but on the other I feel like it just didn't actually have much of anything going on throughout its entire runtime. Although; if there's one thing positive I can easily say about this movie is that despite it being nearly two hours long it flies by super fast and we reached the ending way before I ever even thought we were close to it. I want to like it because I do see what there is to like it but I just don't really think it clicked with me the same way it could and seems to have clicked with a lot of other people.

Probably my favorite part about the movie isn't even the movie itself but it's source material, I personally have not read the book that this movie is based on although my girlfriend claims she has, but just the fact that it was written by the amazing John Green is more than enough for me to like it just a tiny little bit. Pretty much everything that guy has touched has been at the very least good and I think this is another example of that, but I am not entirely sure if this adaptation even lives up to the book or not so it might be horrible in comparison. Yet if the book is on the same level of the film but I do expect it to be a fairly decent read but not anything spectacular.

I thought the acting here was pretty good for one, Isabela Merced is amazing as the lead role here and she does a great job at portraying the intense amount of anxiety that her character feels and both the way it looks on the outside and the way it sounds inside her own head... cannot wait to see what she does in "Alien Romulus" which is in fact my most anticipated role and if she brings this level of emotion to that movie her performance there is gonna be excellent as well. However; her co stars are pretty good in this movie as well, most notably Felix Mallard who plays Davis the primary love interest, and who also seems to be the most popular due to his role in the Netflix show "Ginny and Georgie" which I kind of know but have never actually watched - and also the other main side character of the film Daisy, played by Cree Cicchino who hilariously writes "Star Wars" fan-fiction and that's the only interesting thing about her entire character.

Other than the performances by the leading cast and the fact that this is based on a book by a guy that I like I don't really have much else to talk about here as it was kind of boring? Don't get me wrong the story here has some really sweet and endearing moments with the characters and especially towards the end it all comes together in a pretty adorable way but for the large majority of this I just didn't exactly care all that much? That's not a fault to the movie or it's source material I don't think but I personally just didn't find it super interesting whenever it was just about this girl being a mega germaphobe, but when it got deeper into the emotion I can say I was pretty into it all. Some really sad moments in here that actually made me tear up a little bit, but also some really cute moments that were surprisingly uplifting. I also thought that the direction here from Hannah Marks was pretty great, nothing to rave about but it was perfect for the tone of this movie and really felt right at home for everything that went on, plus there were actually some super impressive shots at times.

Turtles all the way down is the exact type of movie I believe you would expect it to be just by looking at, it's a really cheesy dumb movie at times filled with a whole ton of emotion and character depth that is very intriguing and incredibly well acted. This is absolutely someone's type of thing but for me personally I just didn't exactly love, I don't dislike it at all but I just kind of appreciated what it had and liked it a bit but not to any greater extent. It's got some really sweet things and some really depressing things and is for sure a roller coaster, and I definitely recommend it if a teen romance/drama film appeals to your tastes. I personally just didn't love it all that much, but I did wholeheartedly love it's soundtrack as it was impeccable, I mean they literally played "The Less I Know The Better" by Tame Impala so what more could I want from the film?!

It has a really silly name drop though that I don't think I entirely understand either but I have a feeling it's really moving and stuff.
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