I apologize in advance
4 May 2024
I tried really hard and despite being a pretty captive audience (one of only a couple of potential movies on a long 10-hr flight), I just could not stomach watching this for longer than the first 1/2 hr. I would have given up earlier but was 'hoping' things might improve. The otherwise talented actresses who represented the 4 friends are either really needing the money to make this fiasco, or the producers wanted to prove that there are roles for older women. Either way, it was a terrible waste of talent, badly written and can barely qualify as an example of real 'acting'. I couldn't get over how much Botox/facial surgery was on screen and even more disappointed at how lazy it all was. The 'acting', the premise, the travelogue-type appearance of everything and the relationships were just too banal and improbable to believe for even one minute. It was predictable even after the first few minutes and I could not bring myself to just look at and enjoy the Italian sites and scenery as the characters and 'storyline/s, such as they were, were so wooden and just left me cold. Sorry, but if this is the best writing available for us mature women, I'll stick with reading a good book instead.
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