Review of Unfrosted

Unfrosted (2024)
Mildly entertaining and that's the best I can say about it
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We were really looking forward to this movie because the trailer looked good so we sat down with high expectations for a funny evening. Turns out that while our expectations were too high and it wasn't that funny an evening it was at least mildly entertaining.

There are a lot of funny and talented people in this movie (and Amy Schumer who isn't either of those things) and some of them are great while others just kind of fall flat. Bill Burr was awesome as JFK and Hugh Grant was pretty good too. Surprisingly Jerry Seinfeld on the other hand wasn't that great. Another thing I noticed was that a lot of the jokes come fast and furious and before you even have time to think they were funny the cast is on to something else. And actually the ones who really steal the movie are the two dumpster diving kids, the girl especially. With this high powered a cast that's not good.

There are also a lot of spoofs of cultural events, some that are really funny and a couple that I found to be in incredibly bad taste. Making fun of Gus Grissom's death is not ok, I don't care how much time has passed, it's simply in bad taste, very bad taste. There was one other similar reference that was just as bad that escapes me at the moment.

But overall the parodies of actual events and people ranged from funny (JFK) to mildly amusing to some that just landed with a thud. I didn't find the parody of the January 6th riot as offensive as some apparently did but it wasn't funny and it detracted from what was an otherwise funny scene.

Actually watching all the characters dance and the little girl hijack a truck were some of the funniest parts of the movie and they happened during the end credits. Probably not good either.

Overall not a bad movie, it was funny in places and didn't take itself too seriously which these days is refreshing but considering who wrote and directed it, and the cast, it should have been much funnier. In the end you probably won't regret watching it but you'll also probably wish it had been better.
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