"I wonder if the three of us would've been friends in real life. Not as brothers, but as people."
5 May 2024
I don't know why but I really really loved this movie, just everything about it worked so well for me and I don't even have a significant reason as for why. Wes Anderson why must you create such magnificent works of art that are so stylistically beautiful and so engaging to watch when so little actually happens in them? I really cannot believe that I loved this to the level that I did but I can't find anything I dislike about it or anything that I don't outwardly like. There's so much brilliance present throughout this entire film and it's told in such a rich and compelling way by Anderson that I couldn't help but fall in love with pretty much every single second of it. I guess this is how most people describe Wes Anderson films and other than "Fantastic Mr. Fox" I think this one is the one that finally made it entirely click with me.

There's so much inherently spectacular about this movie and most noteworthy of all for me has the utter excellence that is the three main leads here, they truly deliver some of the best performances I have ever seen in a film and I wholeheartedly didn't expect it in the slightest. I have always had a fondness for these three guys since I've absolutely loved all of them in their respective filmographies; obviously Owen Wilson has been a standout favorite for me since I was a little kid because the dude is quite literally Lightning McQueen and the "Cars" franchise is probably my all time favorite Pixar series so I can't help but adore this man, Jason Schwartzman just absolutely killed it in the latest Anderson film "Asteroid City" but is also one of the highlights of a movie in my top ten "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World", and of course Adrien Brody who is most well known for his Oscar winning role in "The Pianist" but I personally know him from the 2010 film "The Predators". All three of these guys seriously bring their a-game to this movie and each one of their performances here are perfection in their own rights, they all deliver some of the depressingly broken characters I've ever seen on screen who are all so immensely troubled in their own ways, and the ways they display this with how they act both with each other than those around them is brilliant. I cannot understate how amazing each of these three are in their roles here and they're more than enough of a reason to check out the movie for yourself to see them absolutely act their asses off.

However; there's no world in which I can speak about a Wes Anderson film without commenting on the masterful direction from the man, which for a lack of better words feels extraordinarily Wes Anderson like. There's such a unique visual flair that this man brings to everything he touches and it's immediately recognizable going into this movie, and out of everything I've watched from his filmography, which albeit isn't a whole lot, this is the one that by far appealed the most to me. Every tiny detail of this film felt as if it was shot in the most careful way to compliment every single second of screen time present. The way he's able to put together such a visually stunning piece of art that despite feeling both insanely chaotic at times yet without a whole lot of stuff going on, is such a weird feeling, that leaves the entire thing immensely entertaining and never once feeling boring or dull. Everything just looks pristine and perfect and I cannot imagine this being done in any other way, and the style it has is definitely a compliment to the rest of it. I believe that this is one of the most visually impressive movies I have ever seen and I cannot understand why that is how I feel, there's just such an exquisite feeling to everything Anderson does with the visuals here that leaves me in awe, loving every single second of it.

Another amazing thing about this film is it's writing, done by Anderson himself of course and also Roman Coppola and Jason Schwartzman. This is some of the best writing I have ever experienced from a film in my lifetime and again I can't exactly describe the reason why that is. It just all worked so damn well for me that I couldn't help but love it, every single conversation that was on screen felt so personal and meaningful, most notably one between Schwartzman's character and a character named Rita, which struck a chord in me I didn't even know existed beforehand. Nothing spoken or done in this movie feels without a reason, it all flows together perfectly and makes sense for both what is occuring on screen and the characters themselves, so much of the dialogue here is incredibly memorable and I have to say there wasn't a single second where I wasn't entirely invested in everything going on on screen - which is just so impressive to me as not many films provide that feeling for me. I cannot believe I have not seen this movie until just now because I have been missing out on a masterpiece.

I think it's very clear by how much I've been raving about this film throughout this review that I recommend checking it out for yourself if you haven't done so already, as I kind of feel like this has created a shift in the way I view the world which is insane to me. A film that deals with grief in many different ways and how different people respond to what's wrong with their lives and their subsequent problems; done so in a beautiful way by the masterful director that is Wes Anderson and the really talented cast and crew alongside him. This movie has affected me in a way that I didn't expect a Wes Anderson movie other than the aforementioned "Fantastic Mr. Fox" to have but it really did, and it goes without saying that I loved this and would strongly advise seeking it out for yourself if you have the opportunity to do so - I don't think it will mesh with everyone the same way it did me but there's definitely something to love here for everyone. Peak.

(The shot where Owen Wilson takes off his bandages and stands in front of the mirror with his on screen brothers is amazing and all three of them looked unbelievably good there for some reason).
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