A Thrilling Drama
9 May 2024
Can four newly recruited detectives who come from different backgrounds, with different dreams and past lives succeed? The Gangnam Police Department isn't exactly the dream station any new detective hopes to find for their career. With the help of their team leader Legendary Detective Pan Seok Dae(Cha Seung-won), Koo (Lee Seung-gi), Soo Sun (Go Ara), Tae Il (Ahn Jae-Hyun), and Kook (Park Jeong-min) are led towards finally finding a place in this world.

Working together, they were able to find friendship, a family, and even love.

Though it started out as a comedy it ended up to be a thrilling drama.

Actors ***** Action *** Imtrigue **** Villains **** Romance ***** Sidekicks *** Comedy *****
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