Miller's Girl (2024)
Uh... this is bad?
11 May 2024
I don't know.. I have the slightest suspicion that this might NOT be a good movie? Seriously though this feels like someone's fan fiction come to life in a very mediocre and nasty way that I can't say I enjoyed many particular parts of. If there's one thing I do not enjoy it is age gap stories such as this, especially where it's between a student and a teacher, and even more so when it's played off as being badass and cool and quotable and mysterious... it really just gave me a bad vibe that I can't say I particularly enjoyed in any regard. It's not the worst movie I've seen this year somehow but it's pretty close, like only one spot above the worst movie of the year type close. If there's one thing I can give this movie though; it isn't badly made in many regards other than it's very appalling writing which I have to question because for someone to even want to write this out is somewhat a cause of concern in my eyes, but I digress I suppose maybe this is a perfectly normal thing to bring from your mind, to paper, and then to film (not). The rest of the movie other than it's incredibly strange writing isn't inherently awful in my opinion, for one the direction here isn't all that bad and there are some surprisingly decent shots throughout that I cannot say I was expecting all that much, most of said shots involving Jenna Ortega looking stoic and "cool" as she smoked a cigarette or something but they have a tiny ounce of charm to them I'll give them that. However; I kind of have to immediately take away that credit because the girl who directed this is the exact same person who wrote it and that is still not a good sign in my eyes. Though the cinematography here is pretty alright at times and would've been much better for me if it was attached to a better film. Although; the best thing about this movie has to be by far it's two leading performers and their respective performances here. I'm not a big fan of Jenna Ortega or anything, I mean I've really only ever seen her on "Wednesday" which was alright but not anything great, but I have to say she did a fairly decent job with the script she was given here and her work here is probably one of the only alright things about the whole movie for me. Her co star is in somewhat of the same boat as well, Martin Freeman who I kind of only know from his roles in the Black Panther films is a really great actor here, but again it's the writing that holds both of these very talented people back from being able to act to their fullest; you can really only so good as an actor when the material you have isn't up to the standard of your acting. Every piece of dialogue here feels like it was ripped straight out of an AO3 fanfiction and that's not a compliment in any way, but these two and the rest of the supporting cast do seem to do their best with the dog water they were given and that's commendable to a degree... however Martin Freeman has said some questionable things about this movie lately and I don't know how to feel about all that. There really isn't all that much to talk about with this movie which feels kind of weird for me as I usually tend to write very long and extended reviews on here but there's only a set amount of ways I can reiterate that the writing here is bad and drags down what would be an otherwise very mediocre movie but not a horrible one, however the writing here is indeed that bad and just makes this both a frustrating watch and a very uncomfortable one as well. My girlfriend knew this movie as the one where Jenna Ortega gets back shots... and yeah that's probably the most interesting part of it all other than the lesbian scene and the cringe inducing short story this girl wrote for her teacher, other than that it is incredibly dull and lifeless. This feels like a pg-13 version of "Fifty Shades of Gray" which again, is not a compliment... and the craziest thing is this is rated r for some unknown reason and that makes it even weirder to me. I don't know I just didn't like it at all, it has some very okay parts like it's acting, score, and cinematography but nearly all of that is very inconsequential when it comes to the rest of the very bad mess that surrounds it. I don't recommend seeking this one out for yourself, although I highly doubt anyone is doing that now, but if you were thinking about it I assure you it's not worth it unless you're like chronically addicted to watt pad and AO3... it's just a gross cringe movie.
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