Review of Unfrosted

Unfrosted (2024)
Where the funny at
12 May 2024
Personally I don't know if Jerry Seinfeld was ever really all that funny outside of his role in the bee movie which is of course peak cinema, but I am very confident in my saying that he is not funny now.. and "Unfrosted", a movie about the creation of pop tarts is a very good example of this because almost nothing in this entire movie is entertaining or at the very least funny other than maybe like a gag or two here and there, the rest is undoubtedly some of the worst stuff I have seen all year... not the bottom of the barrel exactly but getting extraordinarily close to it.

Basically nothing here actually worked for me which is disappointing as when this movie was announced I was hoping it was going to be a fun time like the product biopics we got last year (Air, Tetris, and Blackberry), but instead it just feels incredibly boring and inherently dumb in every single way, and don't get me wrong I like dumb humor but when it feels as lifeless as this does I can't exactly find the appeal there. The funniest part about this movie to me is just the fact that Seinfeld had said before it came out that comedy was being killed by Hollywood and then proceeded to direct and release one of the least funny comedy movies I've ever had the displeasure of watching.

If there was one slight positive I think I could give this movie it would have to be that it's cast is relatively alright for the large majority of its run time, and by relatively alright I more or less mean they're not entirely awful but we still get a surprisingly good amount of all that. For one.. a central character of this movies plot is played by Amy Schumer who I had previously forgot even existed and dear god do I wish I could go back to that time because she manages to get less funny every single time I see her and I wish I never had to see her in anything again. Though; she's the main glaring bad in the rest of the mediocrity present here, but since the large majority of this cast is very meh in my opinion I will just focus on those who I kind of enjoyed - Seinfeld himself did a decent job acting but was never really funny which felt odd so despite being the leading man here and he guy who directed it he's one of the dullest parts of the entire film - on the other hand there's a really fun amount of more minor roles given to much better actors that I really enjoyed seeing such as Christian Slater who was great, Peter Dinklage who was surprisingly funny here, and of course the best part of the entire movie Hugh Grant who is unbelievably funny here and I truly loved every single second of screen time he got... and he is the only reason I am giving this a one star instead of a .5 star.

The biggest problem I have with this movie is despite it being incredibly over the top to the point where it includes a literal living ravioli creature that has a face like a genuine stingray... is just that despite getting so out there that it goes to those lengths this movie somehow still manages to be an absolute bore? I don't know what happened here but for a comedy movie centered around a very eccentric and exaggerated making of the pop tart story this had no real flavor to it and at the end of the day just felt flat and utterly lifeless for some reason. I understand that it is probably super hard to make a comedy movie since everyone's definition of funny is inherently different due to it being subjective, but I don't understand how they messed up so bad that they managed to make one of the most crazy plots become stale and uninteresting? I'm not sure whether or not the blame the direction from Seinfeld himself which isn't horrid but definitely nothing great, the acting here which ninety percent of the time is definitely leaning towards horrible, or just the fact that it feels like a bunch of mashed together things that have no correlation and are only put together because "haha random stuff funny", like I'm almost entirely certain one of the bits here is that a character is literally Hitler. I really wish I could understand where everything went wrong here but I have a feeling it was never going to great from the start and this is probably one of the better versions we could have gotten in all honesty.

If you couldn't tell but the one star rating or how much I have talked about disliking every single part of this movie, I didn't like it at all, and I would much rather watch a Hugh Grant scene compilation from this then ever have actually watched the movie itself as he is most definitely the only entertaining part of it all. Very obviously I don't recommend watching "Unfrosted" for yourself, I even went in with low expectations but hoping to like it despite that and still could barely find anything to comment on that was in any way remotely positive, and I'm not a guy who finds any particular enjoyment in disliking things either. Absolutely do not recommend wasting your time watching this movie unless you're just really into Jerry Seinfeld's comedy which is slightly concerning but good for you nonetheless, it's a mess and it's not even an enjoyable one at that. Although; it does have James Marsden for a couple scenes so that is cool I suppose, he is kind of funny here. Bad movie. Boo.
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