His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
A Series with a High Potential, and a Missed Up Closure!
17 May 2024
I watched His Dark Materials, and the First 2 Seasons Introduced a Magical World and an Interesting Storyline.. I Could Hardly Stop Watching the Episodes as Each Episode Managed to Pull Me Further into the Realm of the Story..

Each Episode and Each Newly Introduced Character Managed to Add to the Excitement of the Series, and It became just Hard to Predict what lays Beyond the Next Curve or to Foresee Future Events..

I Loved the First 2 Seasons, and I believe that Each Character made its Fair Contribution to the Story.. and Each Had its Touch.. I Really Believe that it would be hard to find 2 Persons Cheering for the Same Character..

Well, my Only Preservation was the Lack to Provide a Great Actor, Such as James McAvoy a More Screen Time during the first 2 Seasons.. Most Probably because the Producers were Trying to Apply Cost Control, and to use his Presence Extensively in Season 3.. Never the Less, His Presence was Still Tangible and He Managed to Influence the Events to a Certain Extend.

The 2 Seasons were Very Much Family Oriented as it was Almost Impossible to Come Across any Scene with high Intimacy, which Made the Series Perfect for the Family Watch..

The 3rd Season, on the Other hand.. was a Great Disappointment.. The Full Season Could have been Cut to 3 Episodes, if not for the Side and UNNECESSARY Events, and the Lots of Dialogues where the Characters Kept Recapping Events.. also, the Usual LGBTQ was Introduced in this Season just to Comply with the Demand of Media, which ALSO had no Place but to Satisfy the Checklist... Include LGBTQ, Checked.. Target Achieved.. Also, the Ideas that were Adopted in the Season were.... Totally Unexplainable.. I Tried HARD to Digest the Concept, but understanding the Main Purpose is where I Failed.. added to the other observations that Made me feel that the Series went under a Heavy Budge Cut and the Produces are Trying to Cut their Losses Rather than Ending the Series..
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