Such an awful christmas movie
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Is easily the worst one out of all four of the Nativity movies. The story of Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Is that a teacher named Mr. Shepherd is coming to the school to stay there for an inspection, but at the same time he has to deal with Mr. Poppy being annoying as well. At the same time Mr. Poppy wants seek the kids out of school and take them to london for a flash mob competition and if they win they will be able to go to new york and sing there song on top of the Empire State Building. The reason why has has to seek the children out of school is because the new headmistress named Mrs. Keen has fired Mr. Poppy. While Mr. Poppy tells Mr. Shepherd that they have to do this without Mrs. Keen knowing. While there at the school Mrs. Keen asks Mr. Shepherd to call the animal control to get Mr. Poppy's Donkey sent away and while Mr. Shepherd is pushing the Donkey into the trailer the Donkey then kicks him in the head and when he wakes up he forgets who he is and now Mr. Poppy, Mr. Shepherd's daughter Laran and all the students have to try and win the competition and get Mr. Shepherd to remember who he is before Bradley Finch steal Sophie from Mr. Shepherd. The story for this movie is awful. The movie has nothing to do with a Nativity at all. The whole show takes a back seat to this whole movie. The main focus of this movie is about Mr. Poppy, Laran and the students trying to get him to remember who he is and this whole story is such a chore to sit through because none of it makes any sense and it's just not interesting because of how annoying Mr. Poppy is and how annoying the songs are playing in the background. Given how Mr. Poppy sneaked out of school with the Mr. Shepherd, Laran and all his students you would think Mrs. Keen would have gotten several calls from the students parents that they haven't came home or that she would have found out about it, but no that doesn't happen at all. Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger had a lot of realism but Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Makes no sense at all and all the realism goes trate out the window. The sub plot about Bradley Finch trying to steal Sophie is so boring and not interesting because of how generic and predictable it is. The characters in this movie are awful as well. Mr. Shepherd is bad. He is a little bit sympathetic give how he doesn't know where to go with his life since he lost his memory and he doen't know weather if he should marry Sophie but at the same time he acts really dump and stupid at times. Mr. Poppy is terrible because he's so unlikeable and annoying for constantly trying to be funny when he isn't funny. He even goes out of his way to steal Gordon Shakespeare's passports because Gordon and his students won the flash mob. Laran is whatever. Sophie is probably the best character in the movie but that's not saying much. She is a bit sympathetic but at the same time she doesn't have much to her as a character because we don't get much focus on her. Gordon Shakespeare is bad because his character arc he learnt from the second movie means nothing now is this movie because now he's back to being a show off and wanting to win at everything. All the students are bad because of how annoying they are at times and also because of how stupid they all are. Bradley Finch is fine as well but much like Sophie we don't get much forcus on him. The locations overall look fine. The music is bad. The only song from this movie that is actually good is the song Mary Bradley Finch. The acting in this movie is atrocious especially Martin Clause and Kathryn Tates acting. The humour is insufferable because of the amount of fart and poo jokes they have in this movie and guess what it never takes a break at all. All these jokes are for little kids and no one else. Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! 2/10.
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