Review of Requiem

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Requiem (2017)
Season 4, Episode 25
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 4 Episode 25 Review!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the most brutal and emotional Episode of the whole entire Series. The Episode begins with the Turtles getting a call to meet up with Kari and the others, which seems normal but Splinter was acting somewhat strange around Leo. He told Leo that when he's gone he needs him to take care of his brothers, and also he volunteered to come with the Turtles to Kari's location, which raised Leo's suspicions. When they got there the place was on fire so they ran in and were able to get Kari out, Shredder is back but this time he is out for blood. Splinter sees foot tracks and tells them all to split up. Leo, Mikey, and Donnie follow the right tracks while Splinter, Raph, and April follow the left tracks. Leo says to Splinter that splitting up is a bad idea and it's obviously a trap, but Splinter tells him to go anyway. Eventually everyone arrives at the locations they were heading to, Leo's team end up finding Bebop and Rocksteady at the exact location they fought them for the first time, and Splinter's team end up finding Shredder at the exact location they fought them for the first time. After a long fight with Bebop and Rocksteady Leo's team sees Bebop and Rocksteady taunting them while running away, then Leo realizes that he was right, this was an obvious trap. So Leo's team starts heading over to Splinter's team. The battle of Splinter and Shredder starts reaching it's final climax with Splinter outsmarting Shredder and trips him over the edge of the building, after all of this Leo's team arrives and Leo runs out of the vehicle and stares up at the building Splinter is on, then he starts screaming in fear. Splinter then looks behind himself and the very second he looks he gets stabbed right through his stomach, after that Shredder throws his body off the building. April starts getting extremely pissed over this so she uses her abilities to push Shredder off the building as well, once Shredder reaches the ground he falls in a garbage truck that Casey sets up. Once the rest of the team get off the building they all start mourning there dead father walking away while holding his corpse. Seconds later once they leave Shredder breaks out of the garbage truck still alive, and that's the Episode. The Episode is absolutely heartbreaking from start to finish, Splinter knew what was going to happen but yet he went along with it anyway, even when Leo tried to stop him. This is definitely one of the Best Episodes of the Series!
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