Review of Owari

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Owari (2017)
Season 4, Episode 26
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 4 Episode 26 Review!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode is a Perfect Finale to an amazing Series, and is also in my opinion the Best Episode of the Series. The Episode begins with Splinter's funeral, the funeral takes place at April's farm house. After the funeral Leo gets a message from Splinter's spirit, the message was they have to kill Shredder before he causes more harm. So Leo and his brothers head to where Kari is currently at and asks her where Shredder is currently hiding out at, she tells them and the Turtles start getting ready to have their final battle against the monster himself. Once the Turtles arrive they have a battle against everything single one of Shredders's henchmen, the only one not there is Razhar since he died in the previous Episode. After the Turtles finish their battle against all the henchmen they see Shredder on the roof and head over to him to begin their final battle. Donnie has a plan, he brought some retro-mutagen to use on Shredder so they can try to make him human again, once the Turtles getting Splinter in a good spot Donnie throws the retro-mutagen at him but sadly it does nothing. After that Donnie gets thrown off the building but is saved by April who is currently at the bottom, Donnie asks April to get him back up there but sadly she can't due to the amount of flames. Then after Donnie gets thrown off, Mikey gets thrown off next. After that Raph started to get very pissed and starts beating the living hell out pf Shredder, but his battle with Shredder still ends with him being thrown off as well. The only one left who could kill Shredder now is Leo, during the battle Leo starts bad mouthing Shredder and yelling at him saying how could he murder his own brother. Eventually Shredder get an edge over Leo and picks him up and he was about to finish him off, but before he went for the kill Leo says "You're a monster, a demon, is that your Destiny?!" then once Shredder heard what Leo said he paused, and while he was distracted Leo tried to go for the kill but sadly he wasn't able to stab him in time, and then Shredder tosses him to the ground. Seconds before Leo is about to get stabbed Leo sees Splinter's spirit again, he says "Leonardo, fear nothing" then Leo got up and started throwing multiple punches and kicks at Shredder, then he jumps back to pick up his Sword, and then Leo takes his final blow on Shredder that ends with him victorious. After the battle the Turtles stare above the hill Leo is standing on and sees him holding Shredder's lifeless head, then Leo says "The Shredder is Finished!" and that's the Finale. This Episode is absolutely perfect, and I'm really satisfied with how this amazing Series ended!
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