Wild unsubstantiated conspiracy theories...and I love Stone's Films!
21 May 2024
You can look up my review history, and I think I have only given a 1/10 one time before for The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson (I love Mel's movies).

The 1/10 rating for me is for films that are gross misinformation in the face of obvious historical and factual information.

I think the other reviewers have pointed out some of the terrible gross misrepresentation of facts, like referring to the Revolution of Dignity of 2014 as coup-d'etat, over and over again. Or the wild lies about the history of Ukraine by Putin and some Ukrainian oligarch, which are never challenged in the documentary.

I would also add that the Right Sector, isn't a neo-Nazi organization, which lead Ukrainians into the front line to get shot by neo-Nazi snipers, this was presented as a hypothesis, with zero evidence!

Then for some wild reason the second half of this documentary, went off on some wild tangent about the Ukrainian interference in US elections of 2016...in order to support Clinton. Which is just wild, because the Trump's campaign manager Manafort, was fired by Trump because of his ties to Russia! Of course as a side not after Manafort was already sitting in a fed prison, Tump then pardons him after rolling Manafort under the bus.

I can keep going about the falsely presented percentages, in charts, or suggesting that George Soros, was the main orchestrator behind the Revolution of Dignity, because Soros established a fund to help Ukrainians...23 years ago. And no mention about what the mass protest was actually about! And on and on and on...

Sorry, can't stop, at the end of the documentary Ukraine is presented as the aggressor agains Russia! And blames the Revolution of Dignity for the further destruction of the Ukraine's economy, without mentioning the Russian invasion of the Danbas region and along the Ukrainian borders right after the change of government!!!

This entire documentary is pro-Putin propaganda.

Lastly, I want to mention this documentary's biggest sin, is this film is exceptionally boring. It's basically two talking heads who have committed unspeakable crimes against the Ukrainian people, and some ideologue "journalist." That's all we get...
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