Hail to the king, baby!
28 May 2024
After being transported to the middle ages at the end of Evil Dead 2, Ash finds himself caught between rival kingdoms as they go to war. But there is a new threat - deadites threaten both sides, as well as all of humanity. Cast out as an abomination or spy, Ash soon proves himself by single-handedly killing a deadite after being left for dead. He is then sent on a mission to recover the Necronomicon, as it is the only way to vanquish the evil and for Ash to return home.

The original Evil Dead was a pretty serious horror affair with some completely ridiculous gore, and the second film pumped the gore up to overload but balanced the shocks out with comedy. This third entry dials back the gore to focus its efforts purely on the comedy and action, and I have to say it is extremely enjoyable. Ash is an amazing anti-hero, with great lines and questionable morals, and some of the set pieces and action scenes are awesome. The deadites look great, and you can tell this film had a much bigger budget and the creators had more experience as everything is grander and more fleshed out.

The thing is though, you kinda get this feeling that this film is sacrificing part of its identity for the sake of broader appeal. Despite avoiding many plot cliches that you'd come to expect from a film like this (especially if you watch the director's cut with the originally intended ending), it just feels a bit too silly, a bit too comical.... and the ridiculous over the top gore just isn't there to teeter the film into intentional satire.

If you are in the mood for an early 90's action movie that doesn't take itself seriously whatsoever, has some great effects and awesome one-liners... then Army of Darkness delivers in spades. However, in my opinion at least in terms of striking that perfect balance of action, comedy and horror - the second film has it beat...
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