Shame on whoever created this mess
29 May 2024
I am not sure I have ever been so seriously frustrated with a scripted TV show.

I have no clue what these people had in their minds, but the result was an insult to the victim and her family. And to our intelligence...

Maybe this is how our era truly is: a frigging mess with people who fail to realize the most basic of things.

What the writers wanted to achieve? What was the message of this series? I am asking cause I really do not know even after watching the final episode.

They introduced a semi-fictional character that hijacked the whole show and this to tell us what? I never understood the purpose of Rebecca. The thing I do know is that instead of trying to understand what really led this kids to commit this crime, what were the social circumstances, the environment, etc etc, we spend time with an irrelevant character the contributed absolutely nothing to the story.

Instead of getting to know the victim, Reena, we were basically only informed about her bad choices and her need to belong with the "cool" kids. Nothing else. Like she never existed before she met these kids that sealed her destiny.

But it was obvious this show wasn't about Reena, the victim. Do you see Reena in the show's banner/poster? No. You see two fictional characters. That says everything you need to know about it.
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