Back to Black (2024)
A Flawed Tribute to Amy Winehouse
29 May 2024
I usually avoid biopics about singers because good ones are rare. "Ray," "La Mome," "Walk the Line," and the recent "Elvis" are exceptions.

This film is a prime example of why I avoid them. The lead actress's performance feels strained and unnatural, more like she has a jaw problem than like she's channeling Amy. Her portrayal is inconsistent, sometimes sounding like Amy, but often not. The cinematography is dreadful, resembling a cheap soap opera with boring, unimaginative visuals and horrible color grading. The rest of the cast is equally disappointing, with none of the performances engaging.

The depiction of Amy's relationship with Blake is tedious, with their interactions showcasing a masterclass in bad acting. Naming the film "Back to Black" while neglecting Amy's music and true talent is a huge misstep. The film also inaccurately portrays the men in her life as good people, when in reality, they contributed to her downfall. Her father neglected her and still doesn't admit his failures as a parent.

Sometimes, it's best to let people rest in peace. Amy Winehouse is at peace now, and we should let her be.
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