Oh dear.
30 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a pile of disjointed, nonsensical, unbelievable crap, a plate of old boiled cabbage. Rather wish I'd have had my moustache waxed and soothed with chilli oil. Just don't have the words to communicate how bad this is and usually I would articulate in greater detail why but I've wasted enough time watching it. Every cliche in the East meets West playbook. Bad guy gets stabbed multiple times and one in the jugular but no blood! He then gets mullered with a heavy metal object, falls off a moving ship only to show up in next few scenes dry, unbloodied and unbruised. Trained assassins who can't hit a car from 6 feet away with fully automatic weapons. So.no I can't go on. I might ruin it for someone. Olga is still beautiful though, so every cloud. Avoid.
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