9-1-1: All Fall Down (2024)
Season 7, Episode 10
Great taste and awful execution
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where even to begin.

1) The way 9-1-1 writes Athena especially her relationship to being a cop continues to be weird. I always hate when she does things that are an abuse of power considering she's a black woman working for the LAPD and I especially hate it when she's doing that and that means pulling guns on an innocent man after retraumatizing him several times. They could have easily just had her see him getting kidnapped and saved him and had the same confrontation set up without her accusing him of arson. Malcolm and Angela saved the storyline tbh, they acted their asses off but as usual I hate the way KR writes moving on from trauma.

2) Henren and Madney were obvious afterthoughts. Hen apparently choosing to jeopardize her adoption by sneaking into a group home which is a huge no-no for safety reasons... wtf

3) Ryan put in a devastating and stunning performance as Eddie but the storyline was super poorly planned and lackluster and fell flat in many places even if it hit other key notes. I hope s8 really leans into what caused this ill-advised decision making from him and that he's finally able to put Shannon and his romanticizing of their marriage and desperation to find a mother for Chris.

4) I love see Buck's growth tying together. It really feels like every bit of hard won change with him has come together this season and he's hit that part of adulthood and healing where you're like "oh, we're actually doing it!" It's been nice to see him supporting people and being a pillar while he settles into himself and his relationship with Tommy (I loved their dinner date, it was sweet and sexy!). I would love to see more of them and what Buck's ambitions will turn to now that he's seemingly happy and found the thing he was searching for since s2. Particularly if it's his job or forming connections outside the 118.

5) Don't mind Bobby and Buck taking a step back as they already had their arcs/Buckisodes and Bobbysodes (to borrow Peter's verbiage) for the season.

6) And also would love to know why so many villains are POC and I kind of think the cartel plotline was dumb as hell period. I hope next season we find out it was actually Captain Gerard.
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