Review of Humane

Humane (2024)
Cerebral Purge
1 June 2024
A regular topic we both discuss is overpopulation rampant ? Growing up I was used to couples having two (or one) children.

Nowadays it's rising up to three or more (the Hills). Sometimes that elusive boy or girl to two of the same sex is frustrating to them especially if they feel a strange need to continue the passion ( football playing!).

The effect of overpopulation is a hot potato, not fully addressed, especially by world leaders(Boris Johnson, when in office, has seven children).

So this makes for interesting setups for interesting stories, ie The Purge (although overpopulation wasn't addressed, mainly crime) nonetheless this need to have lots of children eventually leads to disaster.

This is well put forth in this black comedy from the daughter of David Cronenberg.

His macabre sense of humour is evident, gross wounds,blood .

Those looking for Purge like action would be disappointed, those looking for a well written, decently acted comedy with loathsome characters put through the ringer will enjoy it. As I did.
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