A plot hole as big as the gaps in the blockade
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't understand the appeal of episodes centered around Klingon politics. I find them obtuse, boring, and predictable, filled with saying "honor" a hundred times with only some actually adhering to that virtue at all. Also, I still don't understand why Picard or Starfleet are involved in appointing anyone in the Klingon high council.

The biggest glaring issue with this episode for me is how ridiculous Picard's plan was. How the hell are 20 starships supposed to cover the entirety of the Klingon-Romulan border with an effective blockade of interconnecting beams as a detection grid? Space is fricken huge and seemed like the ships were all pretty close together. Surely the Romulans could have just gone around it. Wouldn't it have made more sense for the blockade to be made around a smaller target, like Qo'noS itself? Granted, that would have probably been taken as a hostile act by the Klingons, but surely there could have been another way.

The Duras sisters and Toral didn't seem very convincingly threatening. B'Etor was more horny than anything else.

Data's first officer, Hobson, was so rude and obnoxious, and they didn't even give him a chance to change his mind about Data. Also, was THAT the bridge of the Sutherland? Pretty sure my bathroom might be bigger.

Sela's revelation seemed kind of random, and the characters trying to explain it to each other seemed clunky as well since none of them were able to really understand the events that transpired in Yesterday's Enterprise, except Tasha Yar herself who could have passed that on to Sela to explain here. But instead, we have some kind of strange, half-understood and hunch-filled explanation by Guinan to a doubtful Picard. This felt like it could have been it's own episode, but instead it is hastily covered to get back to some drunk, rough-housing Klingons apparently taking a break from the war to just have some jolly time with their enemies.

I did overall like Worf in this episode and its predecessor, and I wish that they had focused more on him. There could have been much profound and dramatic moments.
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