Margin Call (2011)
Raises the tension in a gradual manner!
5 June 2024
If you are associated in any shape or form with any financial institutions, as their employees or as active customers, you will find it much easier to connect to the story as you have the required knowledge to make a sound assessment of the whole situation.

However, if you have no knowledge or have no firm correlations with the financial markets, the conversations, the chatters, or the jargon, to be specific, will make your viewing experience less pleasant, or rather confusing, if I were to put it bluntly.

Hence, tread only if you have your fundamentals (pun intended) well covered; otherwise, you may want to skip it.

As for the film, it does well in terms of raising the intensity in a phased fashion but I still feel there was much more to the story that left uncovered, true potential left unrealised!
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