Not the best movie ever made but it's still good.
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Doctor's Dilemma is not the best movie ever made but it's still good movie though. The story of The Doctor's Dilemma is that a woman named Mrs. Dubedat loves and idolizes her artist husband, Louis, but he is dying of tuberculosis. She goes to Dr. Blenkinsop and convinces him to save her husband. The doctor can keep only so many patients, and must choose who is worth saving, but he is convicted that Louis' artistic tales make him worthy. But when he and several colleague meet Louis, they discover that he is in fact a smooth-talking money-grabbing scoundrel. They also learn that he has another wife, whom he has abandoned. So, the doctor has a problem: should he let Louis die, leaving Mrs. Dubedut with her idealized image, or save him and his artistic talents, but force her to face his bigamy and other flaws. The story for this movie decent. This movie's story is really interesting because as the movie goes one it makes you want to find out what will happen in the end and what the doctor will have to do. The story also has a lot of sad scenes that are heart felt and really serious. The story does have some scenes that do drag on for a bit to long like the opening scenes and the scene where Louis is laying down. Also the story doesn't really have that much funny stuff in it. There are some things in this movie that are pretty funny but then there's some things in this movie that kinda fall flat. None of the jokes in this movie are bad but there not that amazing. There's also some sub plots that don't really add anything to the story as well. The characters in this movie are good. The story also would have been better if they could have done more story such as showing the characters more by having more scenes with them to make them just a bit more interesting and showing more of there personality's. Mrs. Dubedut is very sympathetic, you really do care for her as character because she is very relatable and good to follow as a character. Louis is also good. He easily has the most funny moments in the movie. Louis on the risk of about to die does make him quite sympathetic but at the same time though given how he cheated on his wife horribly that does kid of make you feel like that he kind of deserves it at the same time. All four of the doctor characters are really interesting because it's fun to watch them together. The talking scenes with them are the best because we get to see what they have as characters and there pretty funny as well. The sets for this movie look amazing. The set for the building where the doctors work looks really cool and fancy looking. The set for the house where Mrs. Dudedat and Louis live also looks amazing. The set of the museum at the end of the movie looks amazing as well. The music for this movie is also amazing. The music for the opening and end credits sounds amazing and the music for the sad scenes is also amazing and it fit well with the tone of the movie that it's in. The acting in this movie is great. Every actor does a great job with which character there playing. Some bit of the acting are a bit weak but that's the only problem with the acting in this movie. The Doctor Dilemma 7/10.
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