Review of Ezra

Ezra (2023)
"You Aren't Autistic You're Just A Weird Person"
10 June 2024
I really enjoyed "Ezra" I haven't seen such a well-made film in quite a while. Despite some stereotyping (e.g., the father played by Bobby Cannavale who wants his son mainstreamed and no medications) it covers the situation of having an autistic child quite realistically. You are always on, never off.

Of course, there had to be a conflict with the ex-wife who was at least willing to try other options (another stereotype) and that was well-played by Rose Byrne. The trip taken by all of them was a beautiful journey. I couldn't help thinking they were exactly where they needed to be at all junctures.

Another thought: "You aren't autistic, you're just a weird person." A truer statement has rarely been made!
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