Really unique and human. Good (Oscar Winner) visuals. Cheesy as expected
11 June 2024
This film won an OSCAR in 2024 for visual effects. These effects are unique and complex. At times, they are great---other times they are very cheesy and clearly a bunch of models and CGI. But, this Japanese throwback to Godzilla creates a very scary set of images and sci-fi dimensions. I had lots of trouble with subtitles--I wish they had an English version. It's well written and again--worth a unique watch. I like this film, but the silly over-acting cost it a star. The very slow (albeit more human) side of the story at about 30 min to 1 hour in--was just too slow for me. The director spent a massive amount of time and effort on Godzilla himself, but then 5 seconds later the soldiers on the boat make this look like a 1950s action film. Maybe (unfortunately), some of this overacting and soap opera like storyline is intentionally cheesy, but it's cheesy nonetheless. It's a 7 out of 10. Unique style, but still just a 7. Godzilla will haunt your dreams, so watch it for that.
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