Already a contender for the worst episode of season 8
13 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm finally back to reviewing this awful show! I'm so excited to get back to it. Check out my season 8 ranking when more episodes air for my full thoughts on every episode. Why is this show even on its eighth season? Inside Job gets canceled but not this?

Fitting enough that the first episode of this season is a ripoff of multiple episodes. *sarcastic comment coming* I always wondered what it would be like if they wrote Garage Banned, Don't You Fore-get About Me in seasons 6-8! Honestly though, I'm really glad to see Lori back. She got better for me in season 5, and now seeing her back full time? That makes me quite excited actually because she will actually have more episode plots other than... golf. That's one of the only things this premiere gets right, but I'd argue it's worse than Waking History (season 7's premiere, 3/10) because of it ripping off multiple episodes, and using one of my least favorite media tropes.

Which leads us to the biggest problem of this episode, the sabotaging that's been in this show since the beginning and still hasn't been seen as something worthy of scorn. It feels like an earlier season episode but in the worst ways possible. It got really bad whenever Luan pretended to be a saleswoman to sell Lori a really bad apartment. First of all, Lori, how did you not realize that was your 16 year old sister? A 16 year old's face is really distinctive compared to an adult's face, even in this show. She caught on to her laugh being the same but just trashed it after that. And she didn't notice that the van she tried to trick her into buying was a van that Luna is frequently seen in? What, were you not there for like every episode she had the van? Really Loud Music???

A ton more bull happens after this section of Luan trying to get her to buy fake houses. The kids all try to mess up basic activities for Lori to... somehow get her to stay in the house? As if bad wifi and no food weren't enough, she gets electrocuted... and that just gets ignored. It's A Fridge Too Far all over again, and I actually like that episode!

Then they make Lori miss her job interview by turning off her alarm and causing her to go there with cake all on her, messy makeup, anything else you can think of when it comes to these "woke up late" type shenanigans. Which of course causes them to tell Lori the truth, and she is understandably furious. Something they at least did better than Don't You Fore-get About Me. I wouldn't call this episode a "done right" version of that episode, but this episode is more tolerable.

Then after a forced apology, Lori lets them off with no punishment for whatever reason. Just because your heart is in the right place doesn't excuse you doing something like this. Karma houdini is gonna be on all of you guys.

Everyone in this episode other than Lori, Lynn Sr., and Rita, are unlikeable. Which ends up making siblings like Leni, who should have already learned this lesson 4 seasons ago, and nicer siblings like Luna and Lana, come off as really out of character.

Then because we have to rip off yet another episode, Lori moves into Mr. Grouse's garage where she is somehow able to get a functioning toilet and kitchen in. I didn't like Garage Banned anyways, but oh boy if that wasn't a slap in the face ending. I'm very happy that Lori doesn't have to deal with her 10 devil spawns she calls her siblings nearly as much with this new living space.

3/10, the ending was okay but everything else just soured this episode. Could've been good if they went away from the same sabotage plot this show is used to and did something else.

Well, if you thought that was the worst, you are dead wrong. Because in fact Pressure Cooker is the worse of these two episodes, and is already a contender as the worst episode of season 8. Why am I already wanting to claim that when this season is probably going to shoot out many more terrible episodes? Just stay here and I'll explain.

The entirety of this episode is complete nonsense. If this show wants me to take itself seriously, fine. But if they're gonna continue to make episodes with convoluted plots like this episode, then I really can't. And as a critic that's one of the worst things I can say about a cartoon. Because if i can't be invested in it, what's the point? I'm still here in Loud House for characters like Lola and Leni, but they were both terrible in the previous episode, so it's hard for me to even like anyone other than characters like Lori or just random background characters now!

I haven't even gotten into why this episode is complete nonsense. The main reason is because of Clyde and Nana Gayle's behavior. They are both at fault for the conflict that could've easily been stopped if Clyde's dads stepped in instead of running away like little babies, or if Nana Gayle scolded Clyde for his frankly very disrespectful behavior towards his grandma. If I acted this way to my grandma, I know I'd probably get it hard. Not saying the Nana Gayle isn't equally at fault, but as the adult in the conflict it's her job to be the bigger person, which neither her or Clyde were able to do.

They get an old truck from the Sunset Canyon which they turn into a food truck, okay, I can buy that. What I don't buy is the way they act in this episode. Clyde and Nana Gayle have this whole "we are always in sync" attitude in this episode, which has never been apart of their characters or relationship in any other episode. I'd believe if this was one of Nana Gayle's first appearances, but she's been in the show since season 5 which an already established her personality in episodes like Resident Upheaval and Out of Step.

The reason for their conflict is because they can't agree what desserts to sell at their truck. Hey guys... you can just do both you know... but NOPE. That's apparently not an option for them I guess. So they both have separate windows to separately sell the desserts they want. Which leads to disaster and ends up with the two of them calling assistance to lead in more customers. Clyde doing this I can believe, but Nana Gayle? Nah, especially not to someone she loves so much after something so petty. Once again, you're the adult in this situation yet you decide to stoop down to the level of a child as well. This is even worse than The Fish Bowl's conflict from SpongeBob, I swear...

Then the truck's brake turns on because a bowl manages to turn it on. You know why parking brakes in trucks are made to be stiff? So that stuff like this doesn't happen, which once again, is an unrealistic thing. Even for the show with established magic and time travel. Seriously, the writers cannot expect me to believe this. Even my little cousin probably wouldn't buy this.

When the truck goes off, instead of trying to stop it, the two continue to bicker and selfishly take and sabotage the other's recipes. Please don't start reminding me of A Dish Come True. Oh hey look, another sabotage in this episode! Wow, I have just hit the absolute jackpot haven't I.

Somehow when their truck goes haywire, the whole time they saw none of this through the windows even when they were seen looking through them multiple times. I get they both wear glasses, but these two must have like ZERO peripheral vision, like at all. Even me who wears glasses calls bull on this. Then somehow the two end up on a boat going to Ireland, and the captain doesn't seem to care even though the two didn't pay at all or refused to tell them that they were boarding a boat in a truck nobody was controlling. Then, the episode just ends with them going to Ireland. Leaving the conflict pretty much unresolved except for "let's just sell both".

It's episodes like this that make me wonder why this show is still airing. Rock, Paper, Scissors is a much better modern Nick show, just to name one. 1/10, if an episode is worse than this, of course I will say it, but so far I don't see anything that could come remotely close to this trainwreck. As always, thank you for reading.
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