The cult of Nazism
15 June 2024
Hitler presided over possibly the largest cult in human history, numbering the populations of Germany and Austria. He was a malignant narcissist, like most infamous cult leaders like Jim Jones, whose unwavering grandiosity helped sway the German population, who felt isolated and were looking for relief from their overwhelming post-WWI uncertainty and austerity, into his spell.

A malignant narcissist is so named because of their nihilism and perverse appetite for destruction. Like all narcissists, they rely on external validation to create an identity and sense of worth. Malignant narcissists are the most extreme in the sense that they will stop at nothing to achieve and maintain that tenuous identity they have created; there is no morality and no empathy. Without that identity, they are nothing and hence nothing else matters.

Like any plane crash, a series of unfortunate events have to occur to precipitate total catastrophe. The first in the case of WWII was Hitler's failed attempt to be an artist. No doubt he blamed the art world for not recognising his brilliance. His "woe is me" and underdog persona endeared him to many Germans, including his Nazi henchmen, who felt hard done by following what they perceived as unjust treatment for Germany's role in WWI. Combined with his absolute certainty in himself and Aryan superiority, it proved an intoxicating salve to the impoverished German masses.

I am no historian and am unqualified to comment on the veracity of the content of this docuseries. What I appreciate about it is that it gave me a glimpse into the mind of Hitler and how it is plausible that such horrific events can happen again, because people remain too susceptible to the empty promises and false narratives wielded by mentally-unstable and self-serving leaders like Hitler. 20 million dead in Europe in WWII because Adolf had a bad childhood and people are still not good at identifying malignant narcissists, let alone mounting a defense against their fake charm.
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