Royal Rules of Ohio (2024– )
I love the Agyekums!!
19 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I want to thank Hulu for bringing the Agyekums to my life! I watched since the season opening and I love it! My girlfriend and I love this show. The aunties are hilarious. The parents are funny and the girls are tv gold! This show will have a season 2 I know it! I hope they go to Ghana would love to know more of their royalty heritage! Im rooting for them.

I do also have to add that this show also shows ghanaian culture beauifufly. I didn't know if you disobey an elder you have to kneel. (tattoo scene) That was a huge shock to me.

The representation in this show is amazing. I have never seen an African family reality show! Love this show!!
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