12 Strong (2018)
I worked with the real life brother of the guy Michael Shannon played
20 June 2024
His brother works at the 1066 store in Jacksonville, Florida for Publix in the meat department. He told me most of the movie is embellished and fake.

They only gave his brother $50k for his story rights, yet these guys made millions of dollars off of his story. If you think the story is real you are another dumb MAGA.

Nothing about the movie is real aside from their names. Not even their ranks and badges are correct. None of them had combat experience before, they only shot three people, and wounded one of their own to friendly fire.

His brother is a sad old bitter guy with poor financial habits, bad debt, and alimony, who smokes and drinks alcohol. His boss is a fat guy and the store manager is a dumb crypto bro.
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