Shallow Grave (1994)
A mediocre morality tale that is undeserving of the critical praise it received
21 June 2024
Three roommates who share a flat in Edinburgh, hold interviews for a potential fourth roommate. Having chosen one, the man has barely settled into his new accommodation before they find him dead in his room. Discovering a suitcase among his belongings that contains a large amount of cash. They face the ethical dilemma of whether to report his death to the authorities, or dispose of his body and keep the cash for themselves. They eventually decide on the latter choice, which is one soon live to regret.

The debut feature film of Danny Boyle, who'd go on to carve out a successful career, and gaining a reputation as something of an auteur with the critically acclaimed Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, and his Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire. Shallow Grave would be his breakout movie, becoming both a critical and commercial success. The story of three obnoxious, middle-class flatmates who rank as the most unlikeable trio of individuals to have been spewed out into the world. The most decidedly vile being Alex, a hack journalist played with snide brilliance by Ewan McGregor, and who is essentially the ringleader of the three. The other two are Juliet (Kerry Fox), who is of all things a Doctor, and David (Christopher Eccleston) who is a chartered accountant. It's pretty much cemented early on how hateful they are when they delight in humiliating a potential flatmate who comes knocking at their door. One might wonder why anyone would want to spend over an hour and, half of their time in the company of such horrible characters. But there in I suppose is the more or less the point of Shallow Grave. We're not supposed to like or even sympathize with them. It's essentially a morality tale where its protagonists fall victim to their own greed and hubris.

Predictably, you know from the outset that these three are heading for a fall, and the first early signs of something going awry become apparent when David draws the short straw and is tasked with cutting up the body leading him to become paranoid and emotionally disturbed. Locking himself away in their attic where he drills holes through the floorboards. Things of course then go from bad to worse when two rough-looking heavies show up looking for the cash.

On paper the movie does have a lot of promise but falls short of expectations, especially considering the undeserved critical acclaim received. First and foremost you have to question the decision of Juliet, who is a professional doctor, and therefore would be best suited to have the strong constitution needed to dismember the body of their deceased roommate. Instead, this is left to David, who it soon becomes obvious was the last person who should have been left with the unpleasant task. The inclusion of the goons who come on the scene, doesn't really do anything to further the narrative other than punctuate how unhinged and dangerous David has become. Which was already becoming more than obvious.

Inevitably, the movie descends into the three of them turning on one another, all leading to a bloody and violent finale that culminates with an underwhelming final twist that Isn't as clever as it thinks it is. This is not to say that Shallow Grave Isn't without its redeeming qualities. Each of its three leads gives it their all as odious yuppies who we know are going to receive a more than deserved piece of just desserts. While Boyle does manage to retain a sense of unease and tension. And John Hodge's screenplay offers a dose of healthy jet-black humour into the mix. And given that shooting on the movie lasted for just 30 days, and its budget was tight during filming many of the props had to be auctioned off for them to afford sufficient film stock. It's to Boyle's credit that he managed to deliver a cohesive enough movie.

Shallow Grave is unexceptional other than the fact that it was Boyle's debut feature, and would pathe the way for what has overall proven to be a successful film career. If there's anything to recommend it beyond its solid performances it's seeing three of the most irksome trio of vultures getting their well-deserved comeuppance.
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