I love this movie
22 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Pithala Maathi," the latest novel by Anand Neelakantan, is an ambitious retelling of a lesser-known tale from the Mahabharata, focusing on the character of Ashwatthama, the immortal warrior. The story delves deep into the psyche of Ashwatthama, exploring his motivations, struggles, and the moral dilemmas he faces in the epic's aftermath.

The novel opens with Ashwatthama grappling with the curse bestowed upon him by Krishna, condemning him to roam the earth in agony until the end of time. Neelakantan paints a vivid picture of Ashwatthama's torment, blending myth and history seamlessly. The narrative then shifts to recount Ashwatthama's early life, his training under Dronacharya, and his role in the great war of Kurukshetra.

As the plot unfolds, we witness Ashwatthama's transformation from a loyal son and dedicated disciple to a vengeful warrior consumed by anger and sorrow. Neelakantan skillfully humanizes this complex character, shedding light on his internal conflicts and the weight of his immortality. The novel's climax is both tragic and thought-provoking, leaving readers to ponder the true cost of vengeance and the burden of an eternal curse.
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