Review of Good Doctor

Good Doctor (2013)
No logic and painful to watch.
22 June 2024
If I could give this a -1, I would. I'm only halfway through Episode 2 and finding it painful to watch. The portrayal of autism focuses on the worst stereotypes. The ML is shown as an autistic child, followed by the hospital director telling the staff meeting that he tested normal at age 17. Next, he is shown as a medical school graduate, although once again severely autistic. There is also talk about possibly being able to cure him. No! Autism is not a condition that comes and goes. Autism can be managed to a degree, but it is not curable. It never disappears. Perhaps whoever did the subtitles was unfamiliar with the nuances of the English language.

I've watched other medical K-dramas and I'm aware that the Korean culture is much more formal in following hierarchy, but the smug arrogance shown by the majority of the doctors is over the top. It's also unbelievable that the medical doctor who insisted on hiring him would bring him on board without assigning a mentor/buddy of any kind to ease him into a hospital system, just throwing him to the wolves, as it were. Logically, one would expect that a student who has successfully passed his internship would have learned how to conform to some degree of hospital protocol rather than bouncing off walls on his first day of residency.

This script and the characterization of autism, along with most of the roles, does a huge disservice to Korean filmmakers. The industry as a whole has done much better.
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