Somber disaster drama.
22 June 2024
Despite a slightly wobblily accent that verges between Liverpool, Essex and London Jodie Comer excels in the lead in a less bleak version of The Road, though with a newborn infant instead of a grown teenager tagging alongside.

There are a couple of faults in the scripting; its rather too convenient that her in laws have a safer house surrounded by woods and a well stocked pantry of food with the mother in law knowing that there will eventually be a apocalyptic incident (in this case endlessly heavy rain) and towards the end Ms. Comer's character is promised a trip to London if she agrees to work towards rebuilding the city but she never does, merely goes straight home to her ruined house.

This is a well acted, character driven drama that may disappoint those looking for action set pieces but those looking for more quiet dramas of nature gone wrong (Foe and How I Live Now) this will do.

Portentous title though!
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