Review of Maharaj

Maharaj (2024)
"To translate, not to transcreate."
23 June 2024
Based on the novel about Maharaj Libel case, the story narrates journalist and social reformer Karsandas Mulji's fight against a godman Jadunath Maharaj as the latter filed a defamation case against the former. Maharaj has been physically exploiting his female devotees in the name of Charan seva practice which was blindly followed by the devotees. Blinded by their faith, Maharaj empowers himself to control his followers. Karsandas shows the courage to fight back through his writing but Maharaj takes the fight to the court of law. How does Karsandas, against all odds, prove Maharaj's crimes and open the eyes of his followers, forms rest of the story.

Junaid Khan for his debut film has chosen a good story but the problem is in the writing. It is too preachy and dull, which is Junaid's role of Karsandas as well. Both the protagonist and antagonist were told to use their smiley face majorly, while Jaideep owns the screen with his presence, it is Junaid who comes out bit too timid. By no means it is a bad performance, it's just that the source material felt too much for the debut actor and eventually Junaid failed to create the right impact in those key scenes. The pace remained slow and there were few standout dialogues which ideally should've left stronger mark.
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