Review of Maharaj

Maharaj (2024)
Villain and Hero both successfully shine in Maharaj
26 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Pleasantly surprised with Junaid Khan's performance as a newcomer. He did not make me compare him with his superstar Dad bcz he stood out as a new face with decent acting skills in every frame which was quite refreshing to be honest. Maharaj tells you a true story spinning around social reforms and how one man (Karsandas) does his best to destroy the Bhakt culture where a Godman like JJ exploits women in the name of serving Krishna. Even though this is set in pre-independence the context is still so relevant today. It highlights the sins of not only the self proclaimed Godman but also gives an impactful message for the 'bhakts' who encourage his sins through blind religious beliefs, ignoring common sense and their attained knowledge through education. Jaideep Ahlawat as always does complete justice to his role and not for 1 second does he leave his character. Infact his gait, body language, walk, eyes and smile in certain scenes will give you a chill and fill your heart with disgust. Especially where he calls every other girl his Laadli, making them feel special for a few moments to gain their physical submission, or feeds laddoo poisoned with Dhatura to abort pregnancy in women he exploited, or justifies his act with a constant smirk on his face. I would have loved to see more from the female actors even though they did well in their limited script. Overall the film could have been more impactful but definitely worth a one time watch.
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